Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mom & Jack's Visit

Gerri & Alan s/v 'Civil Twilight'

Wellllllllll.......... Mom & Jack have come and gone already.  They were here for a week.  We had a great visit even if the weather wasn't the best.  Actually if you went on temperatures and sunshine it was beautiful, but the winds were very strong and always out of the South and Southwest, which makes it very difficult to get to the places you want to go.  They are troopers and had a good time just the same.  We started them off at the Coco Beach Bar as soon as they arrived - we needed to get their livers tuned up immediately although I think they had been working on that before they got here!!  We spent several days in Hopetown which they really liked the last time they were here.  We walked a beach somewhere every day for at least a couple of hours - not many treasures to be found no matter where we walked though.

We had planned on going to the Barefoot Man concert (at Nipper's on Guana Cay) on Friday but it was not to be.  The wind was blowing out of the West and Southwest between 25 and 30 knots.  You can't anchor at Guana in winds like that and the fast boat we had reserved from a local rental company wouldn't let their boats out of the harbor, sooooooooooo we were stuck again and in Treasure Cay, but we couldn't have been stuck in a more beautiful place.  The beach there is one of the ten most beautiful beaches in the world (according to National Geographic).  We were so glad that Mom & Jack had been here before and were able to see a number of the islands and spots that we like to show off since we didn't get to do what 'Sojourner' calls the 'Abaco Shuffle'. 

It is the time of the season that many of the winter cruisers are heading back home and this year is no exception.  Some days it's like a mass exodus.  The anchorage may have 30 or more boats and by morning there may only be 10 left, then another 10 or more move in to stage for leaving and you start all over again. 

We've had to say goodbye to a several of our friends already - Charlie & Chris on 'Wingspread' , Rick & Linda on 'Sojourner' and Gerri & Alan on 'Civil Twilight'.  Others will be following shortly, sadly to say.  But it is interesting to meet people that are just now arriving in the Abacos from Florida.  Everyone is on a different schedule of when they arrive and depart.

I guess you're up to date for the time being.  We are looking forward to Brian and Melanie's visit in a couple of weeks and hope the weather will be in our favor for that week.

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