Wednesday, October 10, 2007

We are getting more anchoring practice!

9/28/07 Friday

Well, we’ve moved again. Farther back into the creek. We sure are getting some practice pulling the anchor up and re-anchoring. We have no swing room here, because of the size of our boat and the shear number of other boats, along with the size of the creek. We are anchored in front of some condos, with boat slips on both sides of us, but they have plenty of room to get in and out.
We’ve met a number of people from other boats that are anchored here. There seem to be quite a few boats from Canada. We met a couple from Toronto that has very little sailing/boating experience and are going to Grenada, offshore. Gutsy or just plain stupid, we’re not sure. They have taken a year off work and only have that year to see all they want to see. We wish them luck. We’ve met two families, with two children each that are cruising. One family has 12 year old twins and the other family has 12 and 16 year olds. They are from Charleston, SC and somewhere in Iowa.

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