- Get under the showerhead and turn the water on without letting it heat up and only turn on a little bit and just let it run long enough to get you semi-wet.
- Turn off water.
- Lather up you and all your parts, as well as your head.
- Turn on the water just enough so that you can quickly rinse you, your parts, and your head - don't take too long cause the water tank is not very big and if you take too long you won't have water for other things like brushing your teeth, making coffee, washing dishes tomorrow, shower tomorrow, the next day and the next day. Get the picture??!! You'll get used to it!
We had Kate and John (the grandkids) with us last week and had a great time! It was so good to hold them and snuggle up with them again. I've missed them and they are growing up so fast!
This will more than likely be our last post til next fall since we have no current plans to go anywhere til then. We do plan to cruise again next winter/spring and would like to go further south in the Bahamas........we'll see.
Hope you enjoyed the trip this season!!